
Cooper Handbrandmelder ATEX ExII & IP66/67 Type BG2 PX800004

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  • Artikelnummer: 2970005
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Uitgebreide omschrijving
Cooper Menvier
Handbrandmelder ATEX Ex II & IP66/67
Type BG2 PX800004Zone 0, Zone 1 and Zone 2 use.
Exed, Exia or weatherproof.
ATEX approved
Ex II 1GD (Exia)
BASEEFA certified.
IP66 and IP67.
Certified temperature: –40°C to +50°C (Model dependent).
Corrosion resistant red painted GRP.
Retained stainless steel cover screws.
Optional lift flap.
Key operated test facility.
Lightweight and robust.
Breakglass hammer available (Contact sales office for details).

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